Thursday, February 28, 2019

Field Trip Day

Today we went to the Calgary Tower and the new Central Library. We had such a great day!

At the Calgary Tower we went on the glass floor. They told us that the glass floor could hold the weight of two hippos! We also tried to build a tower taller than a meter stick and withstand four gusts of wind. We enjoyed learning about the Calgary Tower and looking at all the other tall buildings in Calgary.

At the library we explored all four floors and completed a scavenger hunt in our groups. Some of our favourite things about the library included playing at the play area, playing snakes and ladders, and reading new books we found in the children's section. 

Thank you so much to the parent volunteers who helped out! :) 

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is a PD day so there will be no school for children. Have  great weekend! 

From, Room 8

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