Thursday, February 28, 2019

Field Trip Day

Today we went to the Calgary Tower and the new Central Library. We had such a great day!

At the Calgary Tower we went on the glass floor. They told us that the glass floor could hold the weight of two hippos! We also tried to build a tower taller than a meter stick and withstand four gusts of wind. We enjoyed learning about the Calgary Tower and looking at all the other tall buildings in Calgary.

At the library we explored all four floors and completed a scavenger hunt in our groups. Some of our favourite things about the library included playing at the play area, playing snakes and ladders, and reading new books we found in the children's section. 

Thank you so much to the parent volunteers who helped out! :) 

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is a PD day so there will be no school for children. Have  great weekend! 

From, Room 8

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Pink Shirt Day

Hello Parents! 

Just a friendly reminder that this Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day. Your child is encouraged to wear a pink shirt to school to stand up against bullies, and to celebrate kindness, inclusion and diversity within our school and the community. 

If you would like more information about Pink Shirt day you can check out the following link:

Miss. Caughey

In-line Skating

Over the past few weeks, Room 8 had a blast during in-line skating. 

Here are a few snap shots from the fun! 

Friday, February 22, 2019

This week we learned about the seven sacred teachings. We wrote about the animal we felt the most connected to or which animal we wanted to learn from. In math, we are creating the animal we chose with our 100 items that we brought in for 100 days of school. We will continue to work on this next week, so if your child has not brought anything in, they can do so on Monday. 

We also celebrated our 100 days of school by completing various math activities with the number 100. One of the activities that the grade ones completed was make a 100 days of School hat with 100 items on it! 

In writing, we wrote about what we will be like when we are 100 years old and made our selves look like it with cotton ball hair and origami t-shirts. 


Thursday, February 14, 2019

100 Days of School

Hello Parents, 

Next week we will be celebrating 100 days of school on February 20th. We ask that students bring in 100 of something (ie. beans, seeds, macaroni noodles, etc) to make a project with! 

If you could please help them gather these items and bring them to school on Wednesday, February 20th.

Miss. Caughey 

Monday, February 11, 2019

Field Trip Forms

Hello Parents, 

Field trip forms went home with your child today. We will be going to the Calgary Tower and the New Central Library on February 28, 2019. 

Please send the completed form back to school with your child by Thursday, February 21, 2019. 

If you have any additional questions or comments regarding the field trip, please feel free to contact me by calling the school or by emailing me at

Hope you are all staying warm! 

From, Miss. Caughey

Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday, February 8, 2019

This week we have started writing poetry. The students selected an Alberta landscape and began to brainstorm adjectives to describe them. We also learned how we can use similes to describe our landscapes.

In social studies, we started learning about the coyote. It will be the animal we explore during our Artist in Residency. 

We hope everyone stays nice and warm this weekend!

From, Room 8 😊

Valentintine's Day Celebrations in Room 8

Hello Parents! 

Next Wednesday, February 13, we will be celebrating Valentines Day in Room 8. We will do this through word work activities, and writing kindness notes to each other. 

As stated in the news letter: 
There will not be any classroom parties or the sharing of edible treats as we promote healthy eating and to ensure that we care for students who may be excluded due to allergies and food sensitivities.

If students would like, they can bring in Valentines cards. If they do, they are asked to bring one for every child in the class, to include everyone on this special day. 

The name list for the class is: 

If they choose not to bring them in and save some trees, they will still have something special to bring home that they will make in the class. 

Miss. Caughey