Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday January 31, 2019

This week we celebrated family literacy day with different activities.

We met with our buddies to share and read our favourite books. We also drew our favourite scene in our visual journals. 


    Boy Soup

We also had a special guest come read to us. Mrs. Dalton read "The Name Jar," by Yongsook Choi. We really enjoyed it! 

Some children shared their favourite book to our class during our book talk on Wednesday. It was so interesting to hear what everyone had to share. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow students have no school and it is a long weekend for Capitol Hill School staff and students. As well, in-line skating will begin next week so please let me know if you are interested in volunteering.

The temperature is also supposed to drop next week so make sure your little ones are dressed extra warm with mittens, hats, snow pants, snow boots and a snow jacket. 

We hope you all enjoyed celebrating the joy of literacy this week and have a great long weekend! 

From, Room 8. 

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